Meet the Experts: Moonlit Dreams

Leanne Pelke is a certified pediatric sleep coach and owner of Moonlit Dreams Sleep Coaching. She has generously shared a few tidbits of advice with our readers.
What is one piece of advice you received that was helpful as a new parent?
Always approach your baby with a smile. You are their world!
What is one piece of advice you would give to parents currently expecting their first baby?
You cannot spoil your baby with contact naps especially when you're balancing them with independent naps in their crib! Soak in the snuggles!
What must-have baby item would you recommend to new parents?
A sound machine!
What drew you to partnering with Talli?
This product is INCREDIBLE and truly helps to eliminate at least one thing on a new parents already endless list of tasks! I remember not being able to find a baby tracking app that my husband and I really liked that wasn't super confusing or "extra". We eventually just started texting each other throughout the night to keep track of bottles and diapers! Talli simplifies baby tracking with the simple press of a button. It's genius!