Our Story

Care of an infant (or any loved one who relies on you) is 24/7, and being able to log care with one press of a button really reduced friction at each event. That reduction adds up over the course of a day or a week or a month – and makes a huge difference in a very stressful time. 


Turns out, it wasn’t just us.

 We've heard now from hundreds of other parents who also feel the mental and physical burden of caregiving:

  • The new mom who saw her doctor write “failure to thrive” on her daughter’s chart and dedicated herself to tracking and finding a solution for feeding that worked.

  • The new dad who was told his son had to gain weight quickly or be re-admitted to the NICU.

  • The exhausted mom who’s not sure she’ll ever get sleep again.

Talli® is giving all of them tools to more easily capture the information they need and stay connected to what matters most. 

Talli is a venture-backed company working to reduce the mental burden of caregiving for ALL caregivers.

We’re grateful to the individual and Venture Capital investors who’ve made it possible for us to do this work.

And the Atlanta startup community who’ve made it fun to do!

More than just babies

While we’re starting with babies, we’ve built the Talli platform to be flexible enough to track anything. We’ve gotten lots of feedback and are actively developing solutions for:

  • Those caring for aging loved ones, often from a distance, who have similar needs for simple and consistent tracking

  • Parents of children with special medical or developmental needs

  • Those working to diagnose or manage chronic conditions

And when the COVID-19 crisis began unfolding in the US in March of 2020, we reconfigured our baby tracker app to become a Symptom Tracker for COVID-19 in just 3 weeks. Talli Symptom Tracker is a free app that allows you to track symptoms for your whole family in one place. Available for iOS and Android.