Alexa FAQs

Talli Baby Alexa Skill User Guide

Download the Alexa user guide as a PDF

Downloading the skill & pairing with your Talli Baby app

To download the Talli Baby Alexa skill, open the camera on your phone and hold it over the QR code below. Or just search the Alexa Skills store for “Talli Baby.”


After you download the Talli Baby Alexa skill, you’ll need to pair it with your Talli Baby app account. Here’s how:


What’s my app username for connecting Alexa to my Talli Baby app?

Your username for the Talli Baby app is the email address you use to sign in. If you’re already signed into the app and want to check your username/email, just go to More (bottom right) > Account Sharing. This will open the “Users” screen, where your name and email/username will be displayed at the top as the Account Owner.

How you can talk to Alexa

For any event type, Alexa should be able to understand who you want to log for if you say any of the following:

1. The child’s name: “Sarah is having applesauce.”

2. The child’s gender: “She had a dirty diaper.”


Alexa should also be able to understand what you want to log whether you tell her in present tense or past tense.

1. Present tense: “Noah has a dirty diaper.”

2. Past tense: “Noah had a dirty diaper.”


One important note, though, is that we have NOT yet built in the ability for you to tell Alexa a specific time in the past when an event occurred. Like, “Charlie slept from 1pm to 2:15pm.” This is coming!


What you can say for each event type


For bottles, Alexa can recognize who you want to log a bottle for and what was in that bottle. Note: We haven’t quite finished the ability for Alexa to log an amount for bottles. This is coming soon!

Here are some examples for bottles:

“Alexa, tell Talli Baby…”

  • Log a bottle event for Noah.

  • Noah is having (or had) a bottle.

    *Note: If you’ve set a default contents and/or amount for new bottles for this child in the app, all you have to do is tell Alexa to log a bottle, and she’ll log one with the default contents and amount!

  • He is drinking (or drank) a bottle of formula.

  • I am giving (or gave) Noah a bottle.

  • I am feeding (or fed) him a bottle of breastmilk.

Solid Food

Alexa should know to log a solid food event based on the words “solid food” OR a specific type of food you’re feeding.

Like these examples:

“Alexa, tell Talli Baby…”

  • Log a solid food event for Sarah.

  • I am giving (or gave) her applesauce.

  • I fed her bananas.

  • Sarah is having (or had) rice cereal.

  • She is eating (or ate) carrots.


Alexa can log wet diapers, dirty diapers, or mixed diapers.

Here are some examples:

“Alexa, tell Talli Baby…”

  • Log a dirty diaper for Noah.

  • Noah has (or had) a wet diaper.

  • I’m changing (or changed) a mixed diaper for Noah.

  • He peed (or pooped) in his diaper.


You can ask Alexa to start or stop the sleep timer for your child.

Some examples of starting the sleep timer:

“Alexa, tell Talli Baby…”

  • Start the sleep timer for Sarah.

  • I just put Sarah down for a nap.

  • I just put Sarah down to sleep.

  • She is (or went) down for a nap.

  • She is asleep / went to sleep.

  • Sarah just started sleeping.


Some examples of stopping the sleep timer:

“Alexa, tell Talli Baby…”

  • Stop the sleep timer for Sarah.

  • I just got Sarah up from her nap.

  • Sarah is up from her nap.

  • Sarah is awake.

  • She woke up.  

  • Sarah is done with her nap.

  • She stopped sleeping.

  • Sarah is finished sleeping.


You can ask Alexa to start or stop the nursing (or breastfeeding) timer for your child. Note: We don’t have nursing by side working just yet via Alexa. But it’s coming!

Some examples of starting the nursing (or breastfeeding) timer:

“Alexa, tell Talli Baby…”

  • Start the nursing timer for Sarah.

  • Log a nursing event for Sarah.

  • I just started nursing Sarah.

  • I just started nursing for Sarah.

  • Sarah started nursing.

  • I am nursing Sarah.

  • She just started (or is) nursing.


Some examples of stopping the nursing (or breastfeeding) timer:

“Alexa, tell Talli Baby…”

  • Stop the nursing timer for Sarah.

  • I stopped nursing Sarah.

  • I just stopped nursing for Sarah.

  • Sarah stopped nursing.

  • She finished nursing.


You can ask Alexa to start or stop the pumping timer. Note: If you have multiple children in the app, you’ll need to specify a child you’re pumping for. If you have twins, you might want to always say pumping is for the same child, so all the pumping data gets added up altogether in the app. We’re working on a “multiples configuration” in the app that will let you combine pumping totals across children if you have multiples. But this isn’t quite ready yet. Also note: We don’t have pumping by side working just yet via Alexa. But it’s coming!

Some examples of starting the pumping timer:

“Alexa, tell Talli Baby…”

  • Start the pumping timer for Noah.

  • Log a pumping event for Noah.

  • I just started pumping.

  • I am pumping for Noah.


Some examples of stopping the pumping timer:

“Alexa, tell Talli Baby…”

  • Stop the pumping timer for Noah.

  • I just stopped pumping.

  • I just stopped pumping for Noah.


In the Talli Baby app, you can label the “Miscellaneous” button to be anything you want. So, maybe you change the label for this button to be “Health.”

You can also add dropdown options for the Miscellaneous button in the app. For example, you might add “Children’s Tylenol,” “Children’s Motrin,” “humidifier,” and “bath.”

Alexa should know to log a Miscellaneous event if you say whatever label is currently in the app for this button. She should also recognize one of the dropdown options you entered for this button if you say it.

Like these examples:

“Alexa, tell Talli Baby…”

  • Log a Health event for Sarah.

  • Log a Miscellaneous event for Sarah with Children’s Motrin.

  • I gave Sarah a bath.

  • I gave her Children’s Acetaminophen.

  • Log a Miscellaneous event for her with humidifier.