Device Setup

Device Setup

Setting up your device

When you get a new Talli device, it will come with instructions in the box for setup. There’s also a link to the instructions from the “Add device” or “Device details” screen in the app. Basically, you just need to:

  1. Tell your device what Wi-Fi network you want it to connect to for sending events (and give it the password)

  2. Pair the device with a child in your app account so it knows where to send the events it logs

Here’s a video walk-through of the setup / pairing process.

What each button is / does

When you press a button, your device connects to Wi-Fi and sends that event to your Talli Baby app account. The app shows all your data all the time, and you can edit or delete any events you want. There are NO data stored on the device.


What are the dimensions of the device?

Device dimensions are 5" x 3.25" x 1.25."

It’s easy to mount on a wall, like just inside the nursery door (comes with screws/anchors and a wall hanging template.) It’s also easy to set on a table and move around as needed. It also comes with adhesive rubber feet you can attach to the bottom to provide a little extra grip on flat surfaces like tables, counters, or dressers.

How to log an event with your device (and see it in the app)

The 8 event buttons on the Talli device are the same event buttons as the Talli Baby app.

When you press an event button, that button will light up, and the device will wait a couple of seconds to see if you have any other event buttons to press. If not, the sync button (small button at bottom right) will flash green. This means the device is connecting to your Wi-Fi and sending the event(s) to the app.

The device will not register any button presses while it’s transmitting (while the sync button at bottom right is flashing green.)


What comes with your device

Your Talli device will have a few extra items in the box.

  1. A battery. The device ships with 3 batteries already installed. You’ll just need to add the fourth battery from the box before setup and use.
    **To preserve battery life, we recommend that you DON’T put the fourth battery in until you’re going to start using the device. If you want to go ahead and set up the device (pair it with your Wi-Fi and app account) before your baby is due, no problem! Just get it all set up and then remove one of the batteries until you’re ready to start using the device.

  2. A tag. If you want to label your device with your child’s name (especially helpful for twins!), we’ve included a small tag on an elastic band. Just slip the elastic around the device. It will sit in the groove around the sides of the device.

  3. 2 anchor + screw sets and a mounting template. If you want to mount your device on a wall (just inside the nursery door, for example), we’ve included a set of 2 drywall anchors and screws, along with a paper template to show you where to put the screws. The anchors we’ve included are self-drilling, so there’s no need to pre-drill a hole. All you need is a Phillips head screwdriver.

  4. A strip of four rubber feet. If you want to set your device on a table, dresser, counter, etc., we’ve included 4 adhesive rubber feet. Just stick these on the bottom of the device at the four corners. These feet will provide a little extra grip on a flat surface to reduce sliding.


Device error codes

Your Talli device has built-in error codes to let you know if something goes wrong with setup and help you troubleshoot. If there’s an issue for you to address, you’ll see a set of 4 buttons light up on your device. Look up the 4-button error code below to see how to fix it.


Top 4 buttons: Wi-Fi connection issue

There was a problem with the Wi-Fi network name (SSID) or password you entered for the device to connect to. Please start over (copy app code, hold down sync button for 8 seconds, go to Settings > Wi-Fi > Talli) and double check your selected Wi-Fi network name and password. There’s a checkbox to show the password just below the password field on the Talli setup page.


Bottom 4 buttons: App code issue

There was a problem with the app code you entered to tell the device which app account it should send events to. The most common issue with the app code is forgetting to enter it in Step 3: App code on the Talli setup screen.

The graphic below points out some of the spots where trip-ups can happen for pasting in your app code after you’ve copied it from the “Add device” screen in the Talli Baby app.

app code user note.png

Left 4 buttons: Communication failure

Your Wi-Fi credentials (network name and password) are correct, but the selected Wi-Fi network wasn’t able to connect to the internet. Are you able to get online from that Wi-Fi network on other devices? (Phone, laptop, etc.?)


Still having issues?

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