"helps us keep track of all the feedings and poops! especially the first few weeks home from hospital when your brain is fried but the pediatrician asks for poop and feeding records. a huge brain saver! "
- Emily S.
"So easy having important information on your phone at all times! "
- Alyssa A.
"I started off with having the Talli app & really was impressed! It is very user friendly and easy to maneuver with the click of a button. I have twins so after utilizing the app, I decided I needed the devices and can you say... game changer! The devices also help other caregivers log events. 10/10 recommend Talli. "
- Sam R.
"Helpful for tracking baby events"
- Alex M.
"Great app and device! I'm a first time mom and this really helped me keep track of all my baby's information. I loved the customizable buttons that allowed me to adjust to my specific needs. It's simple and easy to use, especially in my sleep deprived state. "
- Hannah W.
"No need for Excel anymore! This app makes our lives so much more easier, we were manually graphing and using spreadsheets to track lol, it's our first baby.."
- Super Baby Alejandro
"The Talli device and app are a godsend. Before using Talli, I used a baby tracker app on my phone, and it's so easy to get distracted and forgot to log an event such as a diaper change. When I'm taking care of my baby, it's not always easy to fiddle with my phone to find the app adn log an event. However with the Talli device it's so easy to just press one of the buttons to log an event, so I never miss an event now. The layout of hte app is so beautiful and intuitive as well! I love everything about it! "
- Troy Haran
"I love this product, it's so easy to use! I love to keep track of everything my newborn is doing and this is so convenient. I am constantly using the device/app throughout the day. I also had an issue with my order (due to UPS not them) and contacted them and they solved it right away, great Customer service! "
- Severine Deker
"We track using Talli because our lives are so hectic and with the mobile app it's super helpful when on the go! There's even a caregiver setting for if they're with someone else! "
- lettyb.13
"I exclusively pump and it's so hard to remember all of the times I pump so I use talli baby for that! We also have used it for diaper changes and bottles! We have 5 kids and she is our last so I wish I would have known about talli baby before because it would have been SO helpful for the others too!"
- chelsea.robbins.92
"It has made tracking baby feedings and diapers so much easier, especially when it's late at night! Having the data for pediatrician visits is also helpful! "
- Emily Malone
"If you're on the fence, BUY IT! I have twins, and my Talli Trackers have been an absolute lifesaver!"
- Jenny Buttino
"The best app for parents stop looking elsewear and get this app it records everything! Breast feeding, formula, diapers wet/dirty tummy time you name it, it's there and very helpful!"
- Brandon MacFarlane
"The app is good for tracking things in the early part of postpartum. There was a problem in the app on 10/3/23 and I emailed support and the problem was resolved quickly and I received a fast response. Pretty impressed!"
- Lindsey Wainwright
"Guys, AWESOME app. It's really helping me with my newborn. I love how simple it is to log things, they designed it perfectly considering hands are always busy with the baby. I could go on but I will just say thank you very much for this great app. "
- Hagatha Ramos
"such a helpful tool! hands-down one of my favorite gifts! great for 1st time parents! "
- Christa Perue
"I absolutely love this app! Not onlly does the device work exponentially but if I'm not around it the app works only. I also love that my mom can use the device and it still connects to my app even if I'm not home. As long as I'm in an area with WoFo it transfers to my app. Best tracker device and app if had the pleasure of using."
- KiddonPupsMom
"Great way to keep track of everything my baby does all day"
- Amber Fanning
"This app is great, and it's super easy to use. The fact that it works with Alexa devices is awesome too. "
- ccash
"The best! Helps us stay on track and organized for feeds and diaper changes "
- Claudia Kennedy
"I love this device! Tracking feedings and diapers is so much easier this time around, last time I used an app that was a lot less user friendly. My one suggestion would be a case or cover that is toddler proof becaus emy toddler loves pushing the buttons. "
- Emily Housley
"It has saved the guessing game from my wife and I. We are able to take turns thorugh the night and not have to wake the other person up to confirm when our baby was fed or how much, etc."
- Ethan McAlpine
"The Talli app and device work great! With the device it's easy to input data at teh touch of a button & if needed, I can fine tune any specific details easily in the app. I have the system paired with Alexa/Amazon Echo so I can input data just using my voice, as well. I t works like a charm and it seamlessly keeps me organized! "
- Darcey Brooten
"Great product and app. Super useful for tracking newborn activities and moments to ensure they are growing and behaving properly. When it's time to go ot hte pediatrician's you have all the details easily at hand. The device is quite useful for all those diaper changes."
- Jeffrey Siegel
"My husband and I love the Talli! It's been so incredibly helpful in these early newborn days where everything feels like a blur. This has also been helpful information to share at pediatrician appointments and with our lactation consultant. Highly recommend this device and app!!"
- Erika Nicole
"My daughter has a strict feeding schedule due to her weight and this app has been so helpful. I quickly upgraded to premium and I will continue to pay for it. I can't say enough good things about it. "
- !yeslek
"Purchase was flawless and effortless. Recipients are very happy with their gift."
- Xander Shiells
"This app is a sanity saver! It makes it so much easier for me to figure out what my baby needs when she starts to get upset. Otherwise I'd just be left guessing! The pediatrician loves the detailed notes too."
- Mariah Healey
"love this app "
- jecy furlani
"We have found this SO helpful in our first hectic days with baby and will keep using it through the infant stage. App is easy to use. "
- Jenny Rocks
"My husband and I are loving hte Talli Baby app and device! Our first child was born 9 days ago, so this is all quite new to us! We have both been taking turns taking care of the baby, so this app provides a simple, centralized way to track what we each do. Even if we're sleep-deprived, we just have to remember to press a button to log a diaper chang eor feeding. It's also great for when we go to the doctor, because we can tell them exactly how many diapers baby goes through, etc."
- Alex Zee
"Great app, easy to track and visualise data!"
- Jacki Kwok
"definitely a must for parents with newborns"
- Felipe Resendez
"Great app, very easy to use."
- Tristan H
"Excellent for your little one. This helps us answer questions at the doctor's office and keep track of any porblems that could be on the rise such as the baby not having a poop in a period of days. It will give you peace of mind to keep track of it all too."
- Alejandro9090
"super helpful and easy to use. didn't realize how it would be to track feeds and diapers. "
- Meghan C.
"This has been a lifesaver!! Both my hubby and I have found this so handy when keeping track of feeding and wet diapers. It's been a huge help espeically when one is sleep deprived and fatigued. "
- yogionapole
"This has been amazing with my almost 2 month old 🔥"
- _brandismith
"We LOVE our Tallies! We have two and they are wonderful! One of the best things I bought. It makes life easier to know what is happening w bubs. ❤️"
- taterolah
"This made my life easier!! I kept forgetting time and side I nursed and this keeps record with a single push!! I love it!!!"
- Alejandra Abundis
"We absolutely love this ! As sleep deprived parents we constantly refer to our app to keep up with where we are in feeding, diaper changes and sleep ! Many have said “this is an unnecessary and to learn off of the cues of the infant like most of done for centuries”. This is true and we could but, why when we have this amazing technology to keep use sane. So thankful for this app!"
- cat.voges
"Absolutely obsessed with this product! ❤️"
- chia_habte
"I’m not gunna lie when I was pregnant with my second child and saw this I thought it was something I would never purchase or need. Then baby came and I realized how difficult it was to keep track of her intake and output with a demanding two year old. Soo I remembered this little gadget and OMG thank you! Just what I needed. ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️"
- rosalieomfs
"We have one and it's super helpful to just hit a button and keep going vs stopping to add something that takes time. Definitely a helpful tool."
- Cass Cass
"I can vouch for this product and it works really well. But the real value is the team behind it. this company is ACTUALLY LISTENING to customer feedback. In the month I have been using it they have implemented two of my feature requests"
- James R. Marcus
"The app alone is excellent and free for all the vital functionality. The device is awesome next to the changing table to track diapers quickly without taking out your phone. It's also really handy to track between parents, so when we sleep the other knows what happened overnight"
- Stephen Dillon
"Worth the cost! My husband and I are first time parents and being able to just press a button for a dirty diaper or feeding is so much more convenient then having to stop, unlock our phones, and open the app. It's so nice not having to worry about remembering the times of events, sicne it's all recorded in then app."
- Stacy Harwani
"This was a great purchase becasue of how easy it makes tracking verything, especially diapers and sleep time. With this, there is no stopping int he middle of a diaper change to log on my phone or waiting until after the change and remembering to log. Just press the button(s) and it is taken care of for you. very easy to explain to any other caregivers who come to help out."
- Kim Neumann
"We registered for this, at the urging of my husband who has 3 boys from a previous marriage and said something like this would have been a lifesaver, especially with his premie twins. We got it as a gift and WOW, good call Hubby. We LOVE it! My husband uses the handheld to lo gdiapers and I use the app on my phone for breast feeding. It's exceeding my expectations. And people who ask about it being time consuming - that's strange, for us it saves a ton of time! So streamlined and simple. Great recording, accountability and analytics. "
- clairecsmallbone
"This has been a lifesaver!! Both my hubby and I have found this so handy when keeping track of feeding and wet diapers. It's been a huge help espeically when one is sleep deprived and fatigued. "
- yogionapole
"This has been amazing with my almost 2 month old 🔥"
- _brandismith
"We LOVE our Tallies! We have two and they are wonderful! One of the best things I bought. It makes life easier to know what is happening w bubs. ❤️"
- taterolah
"This made my life easier!! I kept forgetting time and side I nursed and this keeps record with a single push!! I love it!!!"
- Alejandra Abundis
"We absolutely love this ! As sleep deprived parents we constantly refer to our app to keep up with where we are in feeding, diaper changes and sleep ! Many have said “this is an unnecessary and to learn off of the cues of the infant like most of done for centuries”. This is true and we could but, why when we have this amazing technology to keep use sane. So thankful for this app!"
- cat.voges
"Absolutely obsessed with this product! ❤️"
- chia_habte
"I’m not gunna lie when I was pregnant with my second child and saw this I thought it was something I would never purchase or need. Then baby came and I realized how difficult it was to keep track of her intake and output with a demanding two year old. Soo I remembered this little gadget and OMG thank you! Just what I needed. ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️"
- rosalieomfs
"We have one and it's super helpful to just hit a button and keep going vs stopping to add something that takes time. Definitely a helpful tool."
- Cass Cass
"I can vouch for this product and it works really well. But the real value is the team behind it. this company is ACTUALLY LISTENING to customer feedback. In the month I have been using it they have implemented two of my feature requests"
- James R. Marcus
"The app alone is excellent and free for all the vital functionality. The device is awesome next to the changing table to track diapers quickly without taking out your phone. It's also really handy to track between parents, so when we sleep the other knows what happened overnight"
- Stephen Dillon
"Worth the cost! My husband and I are first time parents and being able to just press a button for a dirty diaper or feeding is so much more convenient then having to stop, unlock our phones, and open the app. It's so nice not having to worry about remembering the times of events, sicne it's all recorded in then app."
- Stacy Harwani
"This was a great purchase becasue of how easy it makes tracking verything, especially diapers and sleep time. With this, there is no stopping int he middle of a diaper change to log on my phone or waiting until after the change and remembering to log. Just press the button(s) and it is taken care of for you. very easy to explain to any other caregivers who come to help out."
- Kim Neumann
"We registered for this, at the urging of my husband who has 3 boys from a previous marriage and said something like this would have been a lifesaver, especially with his premie twins. We got it as a gift and WOW, good call Hubby. We LOVE it! My husband uses the handheld to lo gdiapers and I use the app on my phone for breast feeding. It's exceeding my expectations. And people who ask about it being time consuming - that's strange, for us it saves a ton of time! So streamlined and simple. Great recording, accountability and analytics. "
- clairecsmallbone
"This has been a lifesaver!! Both my hubby and I have found this so handy when keeping track of feeding and wet diapers. It's been a huge help espeically when one is sleep deprived and fatigued. "
- yogionapole
"This has been amazing with my almost 2 month old 🔥"
- _brandismith
"We LOVE our Tallies! We have two and they are wonderful! One of the best things I bought. It makes life easier to know what is happening w bubs. ❤️"
- taterolah
"This made my life easier!! I kept forgetting time and side I nursed and this keeps record with a single push!! I love it!!!"
- Alejandra Abundis
"We absolutely love this ! As sleep deprived parents we constantly refer to our app to keep up with where we are in feeding, diaper changes and sleep ! Many have said “this is an unnecessary and to learn off of the cues of the infant like most of done for centuries”. This is true and we could but, why when we have this amazing technology to keep use sane. So thankful for this app!"
- cat.voges
"Absolutely obsessed with this product! ❤️"
- chia_habte
"I’m not gunna lie when I was pregnant with my second child and saw this I thought it was something I would never purchase or need. Then baby came and I realized how difficult it was to keep track of her intake and output with a demanding two year old. Soo I remembered this little gadget and OMG thank you! Just what I needed. ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️"
- rosalieomfs
"We have one and it's super helpful to just hit a button and keep going vs stopping to add something that takes time. Definitely a helpful tool."
- Cass Cass
"I can vouch for this product and it works really well. But the real value is the team behind it. this company is ACTUALLY LISTENING to customer feedback. In the month I have been using it they have implemented two of my feature requests"
- James R. Marcus
"The app alone is excellent and free for all the vital functionality. The device is awesome next to the changing table to track diapers quickly without taking out your phone. It's also really handy to track between parents, so when we sleep the other knows what happened overnight"
- Stephen Dillon
"Worth the cost! My husband and I are first time parents and being able to just press a button for a dirty diaper or feeding is so much more convenient then having to stop, unlock our phones, and open the app. It's so nice not having to worry about remembering the times of events, sicne it's all recorded in then app."
- Stacy Harwani
"This was a great purchase becasue of how easy it makes tracking verything, especially diapers and sleep time. With this, there is no stopping int he middle of a diaper change to log on my phone or waiting until after the change and remembering to log. Just press the button(s) and it is taken care of for you. very easy to explain to any other caregivers who come to help out."
- Kim Neumann
"We registered for this, at the urging of my husband who has 3 boys from a previous marriage and said something like this would have been a lifesaver, especially with his premie twins. We got it as a gift and WOW, good call Hubby. We LOVE it! My husband uses the handheld to lo gdiapers and I use the app on my phone for breast feeding. It's exceeding my expectations. And people who ask about it being time consuming - that's strange, for us it saves a ton of time! So streamlined and simple. Great recording, accountability and analytics. "
- clairecsmallbone
"This has been a lifesaver!! Both my hubby and I have found this so handy when keeping track of feeding and wet diapers. It's been a huge help espeically when one is sleep deprived and fatigued. "
- yogionapole
"This has been amazing with my almost 2 month old 🔥"
- _brandismith
"We LOVE our Tallies! We have two and they are wonderful! One of the best things I bought. It makes life easier to know what is happening w bubs. ❤️"
- taterolah
"This made my life easier!! I kept forgetting time and side I nursed and this keeps record with a single push!! I love it!!!"
- Alejandra Abundis
"We absolutely love this ! As sleep deprived parents we constantly refer to our app to keep up with where we are in feeding, diaper changes and sleep ! Many have said “this is an unnecessary and to learn off of the cues of the infant like most of done for centuries”. This is true and we could but, why when we have this amazing technology to keep use sane. So thankful for this app!"
- cat.voges
"Absolutely obsessed with this product! ❤️"
- chia_habte
Loved by more than 30,000 families
Use the device + app, or just the app.
Customize any or all of the buttons to track exactly what you need!